Why Support the Future Generations Foundation?

Join us in uplifting First Nations individuals and communities across Turtle Island.

Read our Case for Support

Unique and Direct Funding

We stand apart by offering grants that do not exist elsewhere. Our funding is paid directly to students and organizations, allowing them to cover a wide range of essential expenses: from tuition, accommodations, books, equipment, and importantly, culturally supported costs like Elders’ fees and guide costs – as we embrace holistic support.

Empowerment and Accountability

Empowering beneficiaries is at the core of our mission. We’ve implemented robust yet respectful mechanisms to ensure accountability. Our reporting process evaluates the progress and success, reinforcing trust in our efforts.

Measuring the Unmeasurable

While we track social impact indicators, we also understand the value of the intangible. We champion non-quantifiable impact, as it embodies the essence of First Nations perspectives – encompassing knowledge, existence, and accomplishments beyond numbers.

I was speechless when I saw I had been awarded a scholarship by the NIB Trust Fund. I had dreamed of becoming a physician since I was a young child. I am grateful beyond words for your generous support. The scholarship I received has allowed me to focus on my schooling. I am grateful I get to be part of the change that needs to happen.
Post-secondary school is a privilege for me, and the NIB Trust Fund has helped me to accomplish my short-term goal of becoming a registered nurse while maintaining the quality of life for myself and my children.
A. Rosenberger
Our students learned to work together as a team for survival, how to lead, be proud of who they are, to teach others through storytelling and most of all that they have a voice!
Weengushk Film Institute
The generous scholarship received from FG Foundation will and has helped me to successfully enter the 3rd year of my Ph.D. journey for this school year 2020-2021.
L. Woroniuk
The funding allowed us to build our own personal ceremony bundles so that we can use them to heal and pray for the people and our Mother Earth.
T. Elijah

Regulatory constraints stemming from the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement (IRSSA) impose restrictions, combined with inflexibility of the agreement, significantly curtail the potential for impact. This has led to a gap in addressing crucial needs over the past five years:

  • 8,979 individuals without funding, resulting in an almost $137 million shortfall.
  • 1,150 organizations lacking funding, contributing to a shortfall of over $198 million.
  • Organizations are capped at $200,000.
  • The IRSSA's two funding agreements in ten-year restriction, hampers the advancement of transformative programming and momentum.
  • 55% of applicants go unfunded annually due to insufficient funds.

Invest in a Collective Future

  • A gift to FG Foundation holds significant promise for First Nations peoples, providing swift and flexible support to communities. This funding means creating lasting change, reaching more First Nations people and fortifying programs tailored to our specific needs. With a focus on accelerating progress and addressing critical areas, this funding will become a powerful force in enhancing the well-being of First Nations communities across Turtle Island. It's a targeted effort that speaks directly to the unique aspirations of Indigenous people, making a tangible and meaningful difference in our lives.

  • Investing in the FG Foundation creates concrete corporate community investment in employment, procurement, and partnerships. This aligns us with a national journey towards reconciliation and leadership. Supporting FG Foundation means empowering First Nations people for equal participation in economic transformation and propelling real change. These investments foster the healing and cultural revival of Survivors and their descendants, enriching journeys that honour traditional teachings for individuals, families, and communities across generations

Expanding Reach and Accessibility

The FG Foundation continually seeks innovative ways to deliver our support, aiming to narrow gaps and address the unique needs of our beneficiaries. Our goal is to raise unrestricted funds to build the capacity in meeting the needs of First Nation peoples, communities, and organizations across Turtle Island, ensuring our impact reverberates for generations.